The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins January 19 th , 2019             This is my second flight experience and my destination is the Philippines. I waited for too long for this day, I'm very excited to create a new journey with my new friends. I and Nova as the representatives from Pakuan University to SEA Teacher program, our major is Biology Education Study Program and we are classmate.          My family accompany me until Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng, Jakarta, we were arrived in the Airport at 4 pm by the car. Our flight time at 8 pm in Terminal 3.             I and Nova also met our new friends, there are Nizza and Evan from UPI, Ninda and Septy from UHAMKA, so we will go to the Philippines together. I am so happy to met them, because they are very friendly, always makes me laugh , and this is our first long trip together and it is fun. January 20 th ,2019           We arrived in Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila, at 1 pm, and th

Muslimah Akhir Zaman

Bijaklah dan penuh kasih sayang layaknya KHODIJAH
Tak pernah lelah dan banyak belajarlah layaknya FATIMAH
Taat dan anggunlah layaknya MUTIAH
Tak takut matilah dalam mengatakan sesuatau yang benar layaknya SUMAYAH
Atau perlu seperti NUSAIBAH binti Kaab yang rela mengorbankan dirinya demi melindungi Rasulullah dan kehormatan kaum muslimin walau jiwa raga menjadi taruhannya.

Jangan lupa bahagia karena Lillah
Istiqomah dalam setiap langkah
Tertawalah secukupnya
Karena tertawa berlebih akan mengeraskan hatimu

Mana kala hati bersatu dengan Rabb mu
Jadikanlah do'a sebagai pelampiasan kau melabuhkan cinta dan rindu
Percayalah pada Tuhanmu, sertakan Ia dalam setiap langkah  yang berderap
hirupan oksigen yang dihisap
dan dalam pandangan tatap penuh harap

Struggle till the end of time
Keep hamasah and istiqomah


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The Journey Begins